"An Education To Believe In"
School Hours:
8:20am - 3:30pm First Bell: 8:20am, Tardy Bell: 8:35am, Dismissal Bell: 3:30pm Announcements: * Now Registering
Preschool - Eighth Grade |
St. Margaret’s Athletics Policy 2011-2012
Mission Statement: St. Margaret’s will provide a safe environment which teaches and fosters leadership and teamwork skills, as well as promote a positive self-image for all student-athletes. Goals Teamwork Friendship Time management and hard work Commitment Personal Growth – Physically, mentally, spiritually Sports Offered (Pending adequate participation*) Girls’ Volleyball – Fall Girls’ Basketball – Winter Boys’ Basketball – Winter Bowling – Spring *Middle school students from St. Margaret parish are invited to participate in the St. Margaret School Sports program. A nominal participation fee may be required. Pay-to-Play A fee of $15 is required for each sport season. A maximum of $30 per family excluding uniform deposits per year. Money will go to the St. Margaret Athletic Boosters. Eligibility 1. Medical Physicals – Students are required to have a yearly physical on file with the school before they are allowed to start practicing and playing their sport. 2. Academic Eligibility – Student-Athletes are students first. All athletes are required to have no more than two missing assignments combined in all classes turned into their teachers before they are allowed to play in a game. If a student is failing a subject, they will not be allowed to participate in their sport until the grade is brought up to a passing grade (C- 75%). Eligibility will be turned into the Athletic Director on Friday to determine if the student is eligible for the following week. It is the athlete and coach’s duty to stay on top of their academic progress and seek any assistance that maybe needed. 3. Behavior – Students must be in good standing with the school’s Inappropriate Behavior Policy in order to participate. Equipment Just as with academic equipment or books, student-athletes are responsible for the abuse or loss of athletic equipment. Uniforms are provided, though the student will be responsible for appropriate footwear. All uniforms must be returned to the coach,washed, within one week of the season’s last game. Failure to do so could result in report cards being delayed, sending of records to high schools and future athletic participation. A $10 deposit is required when uniforms are distributed. $10 will be returned at the end of the season when the uniform is returned in acceptable condition. Team Rules Team rules are designated by each coach an approved by the St. Margaret’s administration. It is the coach’s responsibility to give every athlete a copy of the rules and explain the team rules at a parent meeting. Brothers and sisters of athletes are not allowed to attend practices nor are they allowed to play outside without the supervision of a designated adult. Practice Attendance Attendance at practice is necessary for both mental and physical preparation. Coaches will keep team members informed of practice times. If an athlete is unable to attend practice, a possible reduction or loss of game time may result. The coach will contact parents and confer with them possible motives that need to be addressed. Game Participation League rules require that all eligible team members play in at least two quarters for basketball, and 10 points total in the first two games for volleyball. St. Margaret’s policy is to attempt for team members to participate for half of each game in which they are participating and eligible. Coaches will monitor player participation and attempt to evenly distribute playing time. Our goal is for the students to play, learn, and develop skills to enjoy the sport. Good Sportsmanship We strive to create a positive environment based on mutual respect, rather than a win-at- all costs attitude. Our program is designed to instill good Christian athletes in the world of sports. Parents are expected to do the same. Weather Due to a serious weather event, the final decision is made by the Athletic Director by 2:30pm to ensure each student can make arrangements for transportation. Students will be allowed to make phone calls home in case of a cancellation. Concession/Hallway Supervision A concession stand is usually run during home contests by the Athletic Boosters Club. Parent volunteers staff this and are always needed. Parents of athletes should plan to run the stand at least once during the season. Once students make a purchase they must return to the gym and do not loiter in the hallways. One parent per game is expected to provide hallway supervision to ensure that all students remain safe and in the gym. Students are not allowed to be outside without adult supervision. Parents will be required to sign up for concession, door and hallway duties prior to the season. Athletic Guidelines and Agreement |